Capitalist Eric

Truth is treason in an empire of lies.

Posts Tagged ‘dailyprompt

Is There Anything Worth Fighting FOR???

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I typically write about economic conditions that are coming; it’s my passion for the past 30 years, though I didn’t know it would be so, when I started on my path to higher education.  No doubt you’re expecting another “doom-and-gloom” post, but not today. There are some questions that have come up from various readers about gold and silver, post-SHTF trading, other points that readers have submitted over the last few months, which I will address shortly.

Today is different.  Today, I’m just going to say things that I believe need to be said, because I’ve kept my silence long enough.  No more.

I “identify” as…

First thing, is people who think they can “identify” as the opposite gender or sex.

If you were born with your genitals external to your physical body, your sex is male; if you were born with your genitals embedded inside your body, your sex is female.  This difference, while obvious, can also be verified down to the chromosomal level of XX and XY for females and males, respectively.  

For those of you who are too obtuse to grasp the obvious, let me present a lovely picture that explains reality:

If you survive through puberty, you become a woman or a man.  It is- literally- in your DNA.    These are immutable facts, infinitely repeatable, and you can’t change them any more than you can change the orbit of the moon by your sheer willpower.  How you “feel” about the gender your were born as, is as relevant as a fart in the wind.

If you somehow believe that by cross-dressing, taking hormone blockers and chopping off your pecker or cutting out your uterus you can become the opposite sex, you’re not changing your gender or sex, you’re simply mutilating your own body, because you’re mentally defective.  The good news is that this sort of surgery is typically permanent; you won’t be contributing your defective genes to humanity, and your defects will naturally disappear from society, in time.  Understand though, if you do participate in the charade of changing your sex, there will always be unscrupulous doctors, activists and other parasites that will happily separate you from your money, and use you in other ways… but nobody, NOBODY, is going to for one second believe that you are something you are not, can NEVER be. You aren’t fooling anyone except your own delusional self.

I find it extremely ironic, that people who can’t accept what they really are, expect us…  no, demand that we accept their delusions of thinking they are, what in fact that are not, and never could be.  The cognitive dissonance that comes from such fantasyland thinking, is both amazing and pathetic.

Feminism destroyed the power of women

Next, those that think feminism empowered women, do not, and have never understood the power that women really have.  Men are designed to compete, to fight, to toil in physical labor…  and to kill or die trying.  Their societal contribution has always been to fight and protect the family, and by extension the local community, and ultimately the country, but with the underpinning foundation of motivation at the familial level.  Ironic, that men have the burden and expectation of this, while never understanding the meaning and glue that holds the family together (unless they live long enough to attain wisdom). 

That glue comes from women; they take a sperm and turn it into a child.  They take a house, and turn it a home.  Everything a man gives a woman, she’ll maximize.  And the old joke holds true, if you give your wife a bunch of shit, she’ll turn it into a shit-storm, and buddy, you’re gonna’ need an umbrella! 

Where a man is built to compete, a woman is built to cultivate and grow.  And so while a man could go out into the world and compete, and absolutely kick ass, when he comes home, if his wife says with a slight smile “honey, will you take out the trash,” the man will deflate a little, grunt “ok,” and it gets done.  A woman who knows her powers, and how to use them subtly, can get a man to do anything she wants.  Because women have the ability to control men at a level that men simply can’t understand.  It’s just the way it is.  So when women try to be men, they’re trying to compete in a game that they don’t really understand, and will never really be considered “one of the guys,” because, let’s get real, they’re not.  They’re actually better, than trying to compete in the arena of grubby physical and sometimes abusive actions that men do.  So feminism has done more to destroy the true power of women, than anything any man could have ever come up with.

We need to face the fact that males and females are, in fact, different.  The differences are not only physical, but behavioral.  You try to stimy the development of children, they’ll be unaware of what role they would naturally play in society.  Boys who aren’t allowed to be aggressive, fight, take chances, face danger or any of the other things that young boys need to do, grow up to be confused, depressed, unsure of where they are or how to get out of their rut of perceived uselessness.  This leads to our young men now going online, getting addicted to porn, all while being unable to start or keep a relationship.  We call them “incels,” a denigrating acronym for involuntarily celibate.  Their aggressive tendencies stay kept under wraps, with occasional outbursts of homicidal rage, because they’ve had no outlet to learn what it is, how to control it, how to harness it for positive results.

Young girls, instead of learning about what it means to raise a family, are taught via the I-pad, YouTube and TikTok, that they can have it all, kids and a (rather stupid) husband, the kids can be raised by day-care while she conquers the corporate world, and drives that Mercedes S550.  Of course her kids- at the daycare- will not be allowed to learn their true nature, and become the next batch of aimless, hapless adults addicted to porn and resentful of the opposite sex.

And people wonder why the reproductive rate is falling?  Really?  We’re on a collision-course with demographics, and the causes are abundantly clear.

If you were born a male, find a good woman, and raise a family.  

I couldn’t find a good one at the beginning; my ex was a classic narcissist, and not being familiar with psychology, I was slow on the uptake, didn’t realize she was mentally incapable of putting the needs of children above her own desires; once the ramifications were clear to me, I pulled the plug on the whole thing, walked away and started over.  At the time, I was finishing my undergrad work, and recognized the same narcissism was endemic with nearly all the women I saw at the Universities. 

In statistical process controls (SPC), a branch of statistics associated with the acceptance or rejection of a batch of “widgets” in a production setting, when 100% of your sample fails (the sample mathematically reflects the overall population of say, 10,000 widgets), you reject the entire population.  And this was the conclusion I came to; I didn’t have time to keep sampling the population in the hopes that I would find a “keeper,” it wasn’t realistic.  So I chose a different population, where the probability of getting stuck with a “reject” was lower…

I’d spent a good amount of time in Eastern Europe (ten years prior), and remembered meeting a lot of lovely young ladies, who were beautiful, feminine, intelligent and highly educated.  Even better, they lacked the inflated egos of the purple-haired, hog-nose-ringed bloated harpies that are so common today, and were mentally tough. 

Would you rather spend your life with an entitled pig who is a woman (a question of gender) but has no idea what a lady is (a question of class)?

Or would you spend your life with an attractive woman who was taught how to be a lady, and is both educated and mentally strong?  Hmmm….  Oh, and BTW, the Russian girl is actually the average for that country, not exceptional.

I found a nice lady 18 years ago, and we’re still married.  Best move I ever made in my life, and I’m not ashamed to say so… 

And then, when you have kids…

Teach your sons how to work, what it means to be a good man and a good father, how to be responsible.  Teach them the family always comes first, honor your elders, their mother and father.  Teach them a good work ethic, and how to do chores.  Teach them to keep their word; always fulfill promises made, no matter the cost.  Teach them also that it’s ok to fight; that sometimes you win, and sometimes you’ll lose, come home with a black eye or a fat lip.  Teach them that a life where you take no chances, is not a life worth living.  And teach them that you always take responsibility for your actions- good or bad- and not lie or hide from the truth. Teach your sons how to be GENTLEMEN.

Teach your daughters what they really mean, that they make families- and society- possible.  That they are the future, and deserve to be honored and cherished.  Teach them that the most important thing they can possibly do in a society, is raise good, responsible children of their own.  Teach them that their abilities to magnify whatever they’re given, is the most valuable gift they have…  and then teach them how to do that. Teach your daughters how to be LADIES.

If we don’t recognize what we’re really fighting for- a future for our families- then ALL our talk about taking the country back, all of our desires to rid ourselves of the parasites in .gov (throughout the country) are irrelevant.

WHAT do you stand for? What will you FIGHT for?

And what would you do, to those who threaten your family, your children?

And WHEN will you get off your ass and DO it?

Written by Capitalist Eric

March 27, 2023 at 8:12 pm

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