Capitalist Eric

Truth is treason in an empire of lies.

All Wars Are Bankster Wars- And This One Will Be, Too. They Will Finally Lose.

with 42 comments

Last week I wrote the essay “Crash Positions,” which got quite a bit of traction. Basically an overall analysis of where we’re at, as the USA dollar collapses, along with implications for the normal people who will be affected. It was a cathartic process for me, honestly. And I thought that was it; I was done with my financial analysis, I’d finished with my “get busy prepping, ’cause our time is up” post; I could go back to staying quiet, keep prepping, working with local guys, etc. In other words, minding my own business. But that wasn’t it.

In my last post, I stated

“In short order, our phony leaders have basically forced China, Russia, India and even Pakistan to join up, and permanently yank the carpet from under the fiat-money banking system that the globalists base their power on…. No bullshit, that’s just the truth.  You can debate about the whys, but that doesn’t have any practical value for me, so we’ll move on to what that means, what’s coming, when, and give my recommendations of what you can do to best prepare, in the very short time we have left.”  


A friend asked me a series of questions as to the “whys” of the thing, basically forced me to consider other implications beyond the local. In other words, what does it mean on the geopolitical stage, given the propaganda coming from all sides, regarding Ukraine, Russia, resources, etc.

And then I remembered this conversation:

Morpheus: Everything begins with choice.

Merovingian: No. Wrong. Choice is an illusion, created between those with power, and those without. …  ‘Why’ is what separates us from them, you from me. ‘Why’ is the only real social power, without it you are powerless.

Maxtrix Reloaded 2003

To recap from my last post, the total collapse of the dollar is imminent, within weeks to months. When that occurs, you won’t be able to buy anything imported. Think of Walmart, Sam’s Club, Costco, etc. No imported food like green seedless grapes from Chile or Argentina, no bananas from Ecuador, no oil filters or tires, no clothes, no potash fertilizer from Russia, no oil from Saudi Arabia or Russia, etc. I expect prices for everything to go up 4-5 times almost overnight, as the dollar is repudiated, and then go stratospheric from there. I believe banking systems (where 99% of people store their money) will be frozen, while the purchasing power of the dollar collapses to zero. Food riots, fuel riots, on top of the famine and starvation that are already coming to America, regardless of the dollar collapse. The background on how we got here, and why it’s occurring, are the first hyperlink at the top of page.

Ok, let’s move on.

The entire Western economic system is built on fiat money- money not linked to any commodity, such as gold or silver, or anything else. A gold-backed currency is one where you can go to a bank at any time, and either buy or sell gold for the stated value of the currency. This limited how much money a country could circulate; put simply, if they had $100 million of money floating around in the economy and only $10 million of gold in their vaults, a wealthy guy could swoop in and clean out the treasury, wiping out the gold supply, crashing the dollar, and making a huge profit in actual purchasing power. So the Federal Reserve had printed so much money that by 1971 it was mathematically impossible to cover the volume of debts (your Federal Reserve Notes) with all the gold in the world… at the “stated” value. So rather than reprice gold at what its real value is, they decided to cut the dollar link to gold, hence the “Bretton Woods 2” agreement, where the dollar was allowed to “float.” Of course, “float” really meant it allowed the Federal Reserve to print to the moon.

And with the advent of modern technology, the dollar is now created with mere keystrokes on a computer, and presto! MONEY! Yay!

Now the money has nothing to back it, nothing real. People are forced to accept fiat money because there’s nowhere they can go to get away from the Central Bankers around the world…

Virtual Reality Is NOT Reality. Virtual Money Is NOT Money.

Technology has fundamentally changed us in a very ugly way. REAL life has been replaced with virtual life.

You don’t talk, you watch talk-shows.

You don’t play games, you watch game-shows. 

Travel, relationships, risk, every meaningful experience must be packaged and delivered to you to watch at a distance, so that you can remain ever sheltered, ever passive, ever ravenous consumers who can’t bring themselves to rise from their couches, break a sweat and participate in life.

You want superheroes to protect you, and make yourselves ever more powerless in the process, while you tell yourselves you’re being looked after, that your interests are being served. And your rights are being upheld.

So that the system can keep stealing from you, smiling at you all the while. … Grab your snacks, watch your screens, and see what happens. You are no longer in control. I am.

Screenslaver, incredibles 2

Everything is virtual; little is real. When I was a kid, if I got into trouble, I’d get smacked by my parents, or a horse-whip taken to my butt. And I knew I’d deserved it. These days, if you get into an argument with someone, they report you to HR. Express an opinion that collectivists (read that as “progressives,” liberals and democrats) don’t like, and you’re “cancelled” in social media, a digital gulag you can never escape from. If you’re really a threat to the elitists, they’ll send a team of liars (ahem) lawyers to sue you into oblivion with defamation lawsuits. Western society has largely become an army of keyboard warriors, incapable of overcoming their fear to face enemies in the real, physical world. People of action are outside their realm of understanding, much less their realm of control. Western society has been conditioned to believe that the virtual world is more real than the real world.

Here’s what it was like, when the public could only turn on their TVs in the living room, at the end of a day of hard work…

Now we carry that Godless tube in our hands, every waking moment of the day… and “there is a whole, an entire generation that never knew anything that didn’t come out of this tube.” These “smart” phones, that make us more ignorant and stupid… Where “virtual” is real, and reality… doesn’t exist.

Forgive me for waxing on, but there is a point to all of this nostalgic preaching.

The point is that our virtual money is no more real than our virtual lives.

The fiat money system- birthed by Nathan Rothschild in February of 1814 and grown over the past 208 years- is being swept away by countries who are rejecting virtual money and demanding real money- gold or commodity-backed currencies. REAL men, who have lived their lives in the real world, doing hard work, sweating, building blisters and later callouses on their hands, people who’ve learned that actions trump words… have decided that enough is enough. They’ve decided that the value they’ve created through hard work, intelligence and grit, are not for sale for virtual money created by people who create nothing else.

THIS is the final outcome of the ongoing economic war, which has been ongoing for at least 20 years, first in Iran and Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and now Saudi Arabia and Russia. Understand, it’s not the USA calling the shots, nor is it England, much less the ball-less Germans and the French (whose leaders are always looking for someone to surrender to). The common phrase, “Globalist American Empire,”(GAE) is categorically wrong. The REAL globalist shit-bags that have been running the show are based in Brussels, Belgium, out of the Bank of International Settlements. They- and their owners, stakeholders, whatever- are who are really pulling the strings. Every government involved in the Western fiat-money banking system is as controlled as the supposedly “organic” Black Lives Matter movement. They do as they’re told, or else. And if they do a really good job jumping for their masters, they’re rewarded quite handsomely… with artificially created fiat money.

You see, the entire program has revolved around getting people to reject sound money, and accept fiat money. But they’ve gone so far as to indoctrinate damn-near everybody that precious metals are not as good as fiat money, due to factors like legal-tender laws, convenience, and the manipulation of public perceptions via mainstream media (who are also handsomely rewarded for being such effective propagandists- with artificially created fiat money). In short, the globalists have built an empire by suppressing real money, substituting it with Monopoly money- scrip, really- and pretending that precious metals and other tangible assets are meaningless.

And now…? Russia, China, India and Saudi Arabia are pulling back the curtain for all to see the pathetic little man behind it… the globalists. And you see that it’s all a charade. Russia, China and India are moving to deal in real commodities backed by real assets, and demonstrating that the virtual money- like our virtual lives- has absolutely no value.

The result will be the repudiation of the dollar- after the Euro, but not by much- and the fiat-money banking system, entirely. This possibility exists, and the probability is impossible for any honest analyst to say with certainty… but I would guess it’s better than a 50% that this comes to fruition, with some effects I’ve yet to see discussed anywhere else…


Practical implications for the common man would be rather shocking in some ways, liberating in many others.

The entire fiat-money system is based upon the idea that everyone is forced to use it. When suddenly the half of the world which has the majority of resources the rest of the world demands- minor things like natural gas, oil, manufactured goods from tires to clothes to electronics- demands real money and will no longer accept fiat currencies, the fiat system will utterly collapse.

All business whose model is based on the movement, creation and skimming of interest on loans of fiat money, are doomed. This would include all banks currently in the Western hemisphere, credit-card companies, trading houses, exchanges, etc. All the contracts they hold will be worthless. By this I mean loan instruments like mortgages, car and student loans, credit-card debts, everything. The contracts would be paid with a wheel-barrow full of bills, acquired for essentially no cost. It also means that pensions, 401Ks, savings and checking accounts, CDs, every other financial instrument you were counting on for retirement, will also be worth nothing.

The governments who’ve based their political power upon the extraction and theft of tax revenues will suddenly have no more value than the average Joe Six-Pack, and arguably less, since at least Joe will possess some practical skills and inherent value. Tax collectors wouldn’t bother to show up, risking their lives to extract increasingly worthless money. The monetary payola used to grease the political skids of the major parties will dry up.

All branches of law-enforcement will no longer be paid, and they’ll not obey illegal, suicidal orders in the belief that they’ll still get their pensions, since that’ll be vaporized along with everything else. With no financial or power incentives for them, they’ll either revert to protect their own, or resort to crime, to attempt to maintain their status. The latter will not survive long, at least in America.

All normal commerce will be forced to revert to old-school methods- cash (while it retains any perceived value), precious metals, chits and barter.

People with no productive skills, nothing which is needed in society, will have to choose between acquiring new skills that someone needs, steal, or starve. I predict a lot of the “feminist” women with degrees in things like gender studies, will revert to the worlds’ oldest profession, as they’ll have nothing else of value to contribute. It’s a hard old world, we’ve just been living through an intermission lasting three generations; time to revert to our normally scheduled programming (reality).


The globalist Empire (GE) will lose every bit of their power, as their empire is swept away, a castle of sand, by countries of sufficient power and determination to make it happen.

The globalists were trying to collapse the currencies ahead of people realizing that the fiat money Ponzi scheme is finished (COVID and the clot-shots were Plan A). They coordinated an attack on energy supplies to drive up costs, farmers to cut food production, distribution systems to keep the produced food from getting to the people, in an obvious move to squeeze the populations into poverty, famine and starvation, and blame it on COVID, then Russia, and later China- anybody but themselves. The results from these actions alone, we were seeing when we went to the grocery store, or gassed up our car.

But it’s not working, the collapse is not happening fast enough, and the masses of people in the West are starting to wake up, too fast, too early. So they then instigated Russia into attacking Ukraine, and attempted to use the obvious blow-back of economic sanctions on Russia to blame for the rising prices of everything, and that ain’t working either… and now GE is going to Plan “C,” full-on war between NATO and Russia.

But Russia knew this was coming; it’s why they’ve held back most of their troops inside Russia, used only older military gear that both Ukraine and the Western poodle-countries already know about, and have kept in reserve any new assets from which intelligence might be gleaned. This includes anti-missile systems, surface-to-surface missiles, aircraft, bombs, electronic intelligence gathering capabilities, electronic countermeasures… everything that could provide a crucial edge in combat with NATO and/or the USA. The exception is the Shkival hypersonic missile, which was impressive in its’ own right. Russia has known from the beginning, that it would get to this point.

The judo-move Putin made by demanding gold or rubles for assets he controls, forces the arms of every GE poodle-country in Europe behind their back, up to their shoulder blade. They have no choice, which means the GE has no choice; they cannot back down or they lose everything. And for this Banker War, which their agents of NATO and the USA have absolutely no hope of winning, is for all the marbles. They’re going to lose, no matter what, and so they will start- through legitimate or illegitimate means- World War III.

I mentioned at the beginning, the quote from Matrix Reloaded, knowing ‘why’ is the only real social power we have. Now you know why.

And you know what they’ll do next.

Written by Capitalist Eric

April 6, 2022 at 9:53 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

42 Responses

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  1. Mentioned on your last read from Friday you sound a lot like the money guy I follow Gold Goats and Guns. Came across him about a year ago and he was the first time I had ever heard Davos was the main culprit.

    I must say Eric even tho I have tried my best to prepare reading your article Crash Positions on Friday sent me into a bit of a stupor. I spent the weekend drinking it away; or at least trying to. I have read it multiple times.

    This article here makes as much sense. It’s unnerving as hell but that’s not on you. Ultimately it’s on the people (not the overlords) that have fallen asleep over the years. I suppose most don’t deserve the blame either as they were trying to live their best lives (some anyhow). Still hard for me not to get upset with some of them.

    I know why you write. Same as I do. It helps to smooth shit out in your head. Though I don’t know if it actually works btw. It usually leads you to wanting to write more sometimes.

    Well I have to say at least this one ends with a happy ending. All of our major cities are turned to glass. The other piece “Crash Positions” is more frightening to me. I spent some time asking myself why does a mega dose of economic collapse bother me more than nuclear Armageddon? I came up with this simple answer…..not much I can do on the nuke scenario. I know there are things one can but overall being stuck here with 350mil people and no electricity or fuel is a horrible vision. Guess I figured if 75% were evaporated at least those who survive have a chance. Idk.

    Yeah, we are most likely in trouble. It seems to be winding to an end. Maybe if these bastards hesitate they don’t order the launch of MAD and they get caught in their own web of deceit. Here’s to hoping and love your style of writing. Thanks for the update.


    April 6, 2022 at 11:03 pm

  2. What woke me up to the entire fiat hoax was “The Creature from Jekyl Island” by G. Edward Griffin and then my battle with the irs for over 15 yrs. You can read the book or watch video clips, it’s an eye opener to our subservient brainwashing to the bankster elites who rob us blind. And the normies who call us liars.

    SemperFi, 0321

    April 7, 2022 at 12:23 am

    • >the total collapse of the dollar is imminent, within weeks to months

      !remindme 04/01/23

      >The entire Western economic system is built on fiat money- money not linked to any commodity, such as gold or silver, or anything else.

      Right here, I can stop. Because you’re wrong.

      The dollar is not fiat. The dollar is credit. It is backed by THE FULL FAITH AND CREDIT OF THE UNITED STATES.

      In other words, guns.

      I was talking about a related matter with a retired state employee who also happens to be a bit of a prepper. In discussing financial arrangements, this person commented “I have a LOT more faith in the tax-collecting power of the State of [X] than I do in [financial investment possibility].”

      You yourself are talking a lot about guns and force in this context. And yet you demonstrably are not capable of putting 2 and 2 together to get 4. People will keep using the dollar because there is no better option, and your predictions on this topic are and will be totally wrong. I’ll make a prediction of my own: next year, we’ll still be using the dollar, most prices will have increased but not doubled, and you’ll refuse to admit you were wrong.

      >my battle with the irs for over 15 yrs.

      There’s a phrase. “You can’t fight City Hall.” It used to be common enough that kids knew it, and obvious enough that anybody who acted as though it wasn’t true was understood to be a self-defeating lunatic.


      April 7, 2022 at 6:01 am

      • >>”The dollar is not fiat. The dollar is credit. It is backed by THE FULL FAITH AND CREDIT OF THE UNITED STATES.”<<

        Uh-huh. Like the Weimar marks were backed by the full faith and credit of the German government? NO DOUBT Zimbabwe dollars were equally backed by *their* government. The government backing works, until it doesn't.

        Thanks for the feedback, but there is plenty of historical information to demonstrate your argument is without merit.


        April 7, 2022 at 8:39 am

      • A man who knows his stuff!!!!! You don’t need the backing of gold, when you have L.A.W. Land Air and Water. The values of these in the US is in the quintillions. Print money for 1000 years and maybe you sent it. The guns control those aspects and the people who have them.

        Steven B

        April 10, 2022 at 5:46 pm

      • This post is aging well


        July 3, 2022 at 8:55 pm

  3. I agree with most of what you have written. I’m of the opinion that one of the main reasons we have Taxation of … well, everything … is to tie us into the ‘system’. We are compelled to trade in Fiat, because we have to pay the taxation, which is levied in Fiat. “They” don’t really NEED the money which is levied from taxation. “They” do need the value which arises from our participation in the system of Fiat Currency.

    As to Global War, I’m not convinced that the Controllers will go that far. Seems to me that the consequences of such violence are so unpredictable, that they will prefer to avoid the great risk of losing everything. More likely that they will confine their ambitions to the Western Nations, over which they still wield total control. These ‘Controllers’ will still enjoy enormous wealth and status, even if the rest of us exist in penury.

    I really don’t see too much evidence of people having ‘woken up’. Covid and Ukraine both suggest to me, that the societal conditioning remains immensely strong; perhaps unbreakable.


    April 7, 2022 at 3:54 am

    • Honestly, I pray that you’re right, and I am wrong, about global nuclear war. While I am rarely wrong, this is one of those times where being so, would be both humbling and gratifying. As I’ve told my wife many times, “I HOPE I’m wrong, so you can laugh at me eating all the stored food!”

      My evidence of awakening is the political polls, response rates of news articles (even if comments are blocked), participation rates of vaxx “boosters,” etc. In other words, people who aren’t just blindly following propaganda. The pushing for war against Russia, the jingoism expressed by the naked lying anti-American MSM, however, concerns me greatly…


      April 8, 2022 at 1:12 am

  4. Intentions of the heart are deep an evil, only Almighty knows the true intent of the soul of man.


    April 7, 2022 at 10:01 am

  5. It’s amazing to me such an insightful article makes no mention of the relevance of Bitcoin…

    • If you want to stay relevant, keep buying. It should work out well for you in the long run, along with all the other suckers.
      Somebody is going to make a killing off this, and it won’t be you. Just like every other elite scheme.

      SemperFi, 0321

      April 7, 2022 at 4:19 pm



      April 7, 2022 at 8:55 pm

  6. Running out of real money, at least a while back. Must turn it into fake money soon Running on air too long. That is; going digital and we’re back to where we started from. Endless supply of FAKE money but that’s progress.


    April 7, 2022 at 5:29 pm

    • Great stuff Eric and so good to read this, your follow-up, which I got from your reply on TBP. My recent article fits neatly with yours. We are indeed on the same page; pity so few read our warnings but this is as it ever has been. Even Jesus had few followers and after such miracles too:


      April 7, 2022 at 8:40 pm

      • Thank you for the link, I read the whole thing.


        April 8, 2022 at 12:45 am

      • Thanks for your email Eric, I have replied and look forward to collaborating in future. We are few and thus staying together for mutual support is essential, IMHO.


        April 9, 2022 at 2:03 am

      • Thanks for the link. It appears we see the same data points, and are able to articulate them clearly. These are scary times, my friend. Check your email, we should stay in contact.


        April 8, 2022 at 12:49 am

      • Yes, indeed, Eric we are in correspondence. Many thanks.


        April 9, 2022 at 1:16 am

      • Great read Peter, do you follow or listen to Tom Luongo? I noticed the Austrian part and had to ask. Very scary and depressing shit we all face. Hang on boys we are going to need some miracles where we are headed.


        April 8, 2022 at 1:49 pm

      • Yes, thanks Luke for your kind words.. Lots of people think I am Austrian. My moniker refers to Austrian Economics upon which model my book is based. It is a contentious issue especially with dedicated Keynesians:

        Austrians offer a contrarian take on world events. We favor individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard.


        April 8, 2022 at 7:16 pm



    April 7, 2022 at 9:27 pm

  8. Fractional Reserve Banking is a B1TCH!!!
    …so is the Star of Remphan. 🙄


    April 7, 2022 at 11:28 pm

  9. Blowing up your posts with the Brothers of the Phin, and hopefully saving their lives. I too am a former tractor operator on a fast sewer pipe: ET Nuke School 9108 & USS Tautog (SSN-639).

    Run silent. Run deep.


    April 8, 2022 at 9:23 am

    • Appreciated. I don’t believe I’m on the Phin group, and even if I am, I won’t publicly admit my authorship; it gains nothing yet would jeopardize my livelihood (while we still have an economy). For the same reason I can’t name the class, prototype or boats I served on. Let’s just say I always had a pair of cutters in my back pocket, and acid holes in my dungarees… 😆 Eric

      Capitalist Eric

      April 8, 2022 at 1:13 pm

  10. You say feminists will resort to prostitution, but the majority of them look terrible and young men seem to not want anything to do with ugly women. I know of several virgins over age 25 just at work. And I know of many young women who have 0 sex appeal. How can a woman whore herself out to uninterested men? Who would want to go for a tattoo & cellulite covered whore? Maybe a year after every device containing the images of beautiful naked women are destroyed and the women have lost 50 pounds. But by then, the successful men will have a harem of finer women. No her only hope is to repent, get in shape and attract, be loyal and work with a man before things get worse


    April 8, 2022 at 1:33 pm

  11. […] You can’t help but see it, unless you’re ultra-wealthy… or live under a rock… Somewhere around 70% of people view inflation is the TOP problem facing the country today. People are also noticing that the government is directly responsible for all of it. I’ve gotten feedback from people who are completely oblivious to politics and economics, who tell me they’re tribe, circle of friends, whatever… everyone is pissed off that our entire country is being torpedoed to support “a shitty little country in Eastern Europe that nobody cares about” (the words of one person I talked to). They don’t know that Ukraine and all of their people are merely pawns in a much bigger war between two economic systems, … […]

  12. […] discussed back in March of this year, both in the essay “Crash Positions,” and a week later in “Bankster Wars, They Will Finally Lose.”   People are attempting to adapt to rapid inflation of food prices by eschewing Yuppie® stores […]

  13. […] other news, my observations (of April 6 2022) that WW3 is still coming, a war between the Western countries (con… are now generally recognized by everyone not enthralled by MSM outlets.  The points are […]

  14. […] other news, my observations (of April 6 2022) that WW3 is still coming, a war between the Western countries (con… are now generally recognized by everyone not enthralled by MSM outlets.  The points are summarized […]

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